Your Location is :home / Barrier Point

Map & Directions

Directions to Barrier Point

Local Area Map

Useful Contacts & Information

- Council & RoDMA charges

- Management Company Contacts

- Royal Docks : Councillors & MPs

- Council Contacts

- Social Housing

- Gas : Water : Electricty

Your Nearest

- Post Office

- Cash Point

- News Agent

- Take Aways & Restaurants

- Gym & Health Club

Crime Statistics

- Crime : Reporting A Crime

Details missing? Send them in

Docklands Notice Board

Talk to your neighbours... Find out whats going on in your street?. It's easy and quick to use...

- Barrier Point noticeboard

- NoticeBoard Index

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Directions to the Royal Docks

Directions to Barrier Point are as follows:

by Tube

Barrier Point is served by Royal Victoria DLR. For more information see the 'London Transport' website.

by Train

It is also on the Silverlink train line, run by 'Connex' . There are stations at Custom House and Canning town tube stations

by Road

Directions by road can be found on our 'directions' page

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Interactive map of the area

For a another map click here
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Council Tax & RODMA Charges

Residents of Barrier Point are subject to both Council and Royal Docks Management charges

Details of the council tax charges can be found online at the councils website.

You can check what your your council tax banding is using the search tool of the national valuation office just enter your postcode.

Details of how your council tax is spent can be found here

The largest proportion by far goes on education, followed by cultural events.

The council can be contacted by telephone, during working hours on Telephone No : 020 8430 2000

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Management Company : Charges and Reporting Problems

To be completed

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Royal Docks Councillors & MPS

Your local Royal Docks Councillors can be found here

Your local MP : Jim Fitzpatrick : Labour

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Council Services : Rubbish / Graffiti Removal / Problem Reporting

Newham council provide a free household appliance removal service

Originally setup in an attempt to stop Newham residents dumping their old sofas and fridges in the street.
You too can get them to pick up your old sofas/ ovens / mattresses / fridges

You can also report problems / arrange rubbish pick-up by calling them during working hours on Telephone No : 020 8430 2000

You can report a problems in your local area to the council on-line via submitting a StreetScene report . However don't be suprised if you don't get much response... your probably best calling them as well

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Social Housing

Barrier Point has NO Social Housing

By providing the park adjacent to the development, no provision for social housing had to be made.

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Utilities : Gas : Water : Electricity

Do you know that an average household spends over £700 per year on gas and electricity in this area?

When was the last time you took the time to check that you were getting a good deal.

You can do this... and switch providers based on the results..

List of Providers, Contact Numbers and price checker

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Your nearest

Post Office : is at the end of the bridge on the south of Royal Victoria Dockk

Cash Point : (charge is made) is in the costcutter shop at the end of the bridge on the south of the Royal Victoria Dock. Alternatively the Esso garage stocks a variety to stodge and some staples

Cash Point : (free) is at the esso garage (turn right out of the development). Or on the lower ground floor in the Excel building

NewsAgent : is at the Esso Garage

Take-Away : take-aways deliver for free see the takeways section

Restaurant : restaurants are covered in the Restaurants section

Gym & Pool : Located in your development, however one with a pool can be found at the Holiday inn Quad Club

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Crime Latest :

Keep us updated.

Let us know if you've been a victim of crime within the area

Crime Statistics for Newham

Last Years crime statistics for the Newham area are available : from upmystreet

Reporting a Crime

You can report crime against property via the Police Non-Emergency crime website

If you have information on a crime you can report it anonymously through crime stoppers.
Telephone anonymously free on 0800 555 111

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